• The Days Are Moving On - 2000-2010

  • One of the most profound events of my life took place at thirty-eight when my father died. At the end of his illness, aware that his time was running out, he commented to me about how fast his life had gone by. These words have always stuck with me.

    From this experience, I became keenly aware of my own mortality. Up to this point, the end of my life seemed like an event of the distant future. But having had death strike so close changed all of that.

    I worked on these songs for quite a few years. I was sidetracked, however, during this period as I had begun working with Project 7X; working on two CDs. Nevertheless, these songs finally made their way off of the backburner and I completed the production in 2010.

    Looking back now, this work documents the transition of my life as I moved through my forties. And as this time came to pass, I think I started to feel that I had finally arrived at the point of genuine adulthood. It's strange that this realization would come simultaneously with an awareness that the road behind me was getting pretty long while the road ahead was growing short. Maybe this dual epiphany is a crossroads that we all must pass as we trade youth for the wisdom of age.